Sidebar The modern, most customizable Dock replacement for your Mac
7 day free trial. Works on macOS 12.0 Monterey or newer
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Feature Requests and Bug Reports
If you encounter any bugs or problems, or have ideas on how we can improve Sidebar, we'd love to hear from you! To enhance transparency, we have set up a bug and feature tracking system where you can find all issues, bug reports, feature requests, and more. We encourage you to use this system to share your thoughts, concerns, or suggestions. This not only allows us to keep track of all feedback but also lets other users see, vote on, and discuss your contributions, providing a comprehensive overview of the ongoing development process.
Visit Sidebar's bug and feature tracking system
Contact Us via Email You're welcome to use the form below to reach out to us. Whether you need assistance with a problem or have some feedback to share, we're here to listen. Just be sure to include a valid email address if you'd like a response. We're eager to hear from you, and remember, there's no such thing as irrelevant feedback or a trivial question.
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